Sunday, December 9, 2012

final discussion 3

I learned many materials this semester from this class. Varies concepts can be used in the future. I think one of the concepts is modus ponens from the deductive arguments chapter. The theory of modus ponens is that if condition a equals to condition b, B is going to happen whenever A happens. For instance, I earn money by going to work. Premise A is going to work and Premise B is earning money. If I went to work today, that means I earned some money today. Modus ponens is a conditional rule and only occurs when the first premise occurs. This concept is very essential when we are making some decisions. It helps us to think the situation step-by-step. It also offers an opportunity for us to check whether our hypothesis at the beginning is right or wrong. I think this concept is very useful in the future.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

final discussion 2

The favorite thing I like the most about the class is definitely the blogger. This is an online class and it is expected to get the work done through internet. However, it really surprised me when I knew that we need to upload posts as assignments. I was kind of new to blogger since I have not created one before this class. After this course, I found out that using blogger can express what we think and how we feel toward the chapters. Besides, the discussions which have to be done every weekend motive me to read the related chapter. This benefits me not to fall behind of the class. In addition, the grading is fair overall since we can get credit by how much effort we put. Thus, professor is very efficient to grade our work. I cannot really point out any bad sides of this class. Overall, this is my favorite class over this semester.  

final discussion 1

This is the first communication class I have taken in San Jose State University. During this entire semester, I have learned a lot from this class. The most impressive topic is from chapter 2, reason and emotion. It teaches me that everything happens with a reason behind. Reasons are the process of supporting a claim or conclusion on the basis of evidences. Before I read the chapter, I only think that reasoning is the excuses of doing something. However, I notice that reason is very important and useful in our daily life. Besides, I learn that critical thinking helps us enrich our knowledge and the views toward everything. In addition, I did not expect to learn so many things which are tightly related to our daily basis. After the reading throughout the course, I believe I can make a better and stronger argument. Last but not least, I enjoy using blogger as an assignment every week.