Sunday, November 18, 2012

Chapter 12 Question 3

The main concept I learn after reading the entire chapter 12 is also the title of this chapter---science. The question “what is science?” caught my attention on the first page of the chapter. According to the book, science rests on reasoning that moves from observable, measurable facts to testable explanations for those facts. And scientists are people who discover, observe, and collect facts in a systematic manner. Science is not my friends and because of that I major in business. However, the “science” this chapter talking about is unlike the “science” I thought before. This chapter taught me that sciences are happening around us every day and every second. I will say that we can all be scientist since we observe and experience every single day. However, we need to be careful when we make conclusions. Be aware if the evidence are valid or not because it affects the conclusion directly.

Chapter 12 Question 2

There is a time that I draw an incorrect conclusion on the basis of observation alone. Back to the time when I first entered to my high school, everyone is new to me and I did not have any friends at school. The way I tried to make friends is to always keep a smile on face. People are usually smiled back. But I can remember clearly one guy did not give me any facial expression. I thought he disliked me and never thought of we could be friends nor talk. However, things were different from what I assumed. Our first talk happened when he asked me to join the club. He totally impressed me when he said that. I grabbed that chance and asked him why he did not smile to me on the first day. After that, I found out he was too sleepy that morning and that’s why he had no attention on everything. Later on we become close friends now and chat every day.  My observation on him misleads me to think that he disliked me. Sometimes we really need to seek out the truth by actions but not only by our own observation.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Chapter 12 Question 1

My zodiac sign is Leo since my birthday is August 10. Based on what the said, I need to be careful of my wording. “Be tactful when speaking today. Leo. With this day’s energy. It’s important that you take the time to think about how your words affect the person you’re talking to. It can be easier than usual to say the wrong thing. Especially if you are in the position of telling someone something you think might not go over too well. Avoid comments that suggest criticism of the person rather than the deed.” I personally do not believe in fortune. I think fate is the thing that changes by how we deal with our problems daily. Moreover, horoscope is a kind of superstition. After reading the, I don’t think I can learn anything from it or know how to avoid bad luck. Overall, horoscope does not give out specific data and the prediction is too general. Therefore, I will say that horoscope is falsifiable.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Chapter 11 Question 3

In chapter 11, I mainly talks about how media related to our daily lives. One concept that is useful and interesting for me is the mass media in the United States. I found out that pages are tightly related to our daily lives and that are the information surrounded to us. The reading is about the rise of mass media. Before 1940s, television is not popular yet. The main forms of media are radio and magazines. They played an important role to keep people to communicate. As time passes by, the world is developing rapidly. The media today changes to television and even mobile or internet. Now we can have the most update information through our mobile phone. On the other hand, most Americans are picking what to listen to or watch on the basis of their political views. For example, the election few days before. We can get the latest information about the vote by checking on the internet. Media now is very significant and most people are becoming more reply on media.

Chapter 11 Question 2

After reading both sides of points about internet plagiarism among college students, I would support for the wrongs of internet plagiarism by Sadler. Plagiarism is a serious problem in college that will be kicked out from school once you get caught. I believe that must be some reason for all school especially college to set this straight rule about the problem of plagiarism. Sadler writes ten valid reasons that are against plagiarism. He makes ten clear and reasoning points to support his stand against plagiarism. However, the four reasons to be happy about internet plagiarism by Hunt do not give out true information. He mentioned plagiarism is a kind of challenge in which this is a good thing.  I do not agree with Hunt is because he is only giving out his point of view towards plagiarism but not explaining in his argument. Overall, we should be aware of the problem of plagiarism. 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Chapter 11 Question 1

There are many other forms of mass media like television, radio, books etc. Nowadays, we can get most of the information simply by sitting at home using the internet. Internet is the most popular form of mass media. People especially teenagers spend more than 4 to 5 hours a day on using internet. They can buy what they want online; they can do homework or assignments online (like what we are doing right here). Media is play an important and at the same time affecting role in today’s world. Media can give you real information but also some false ideas. Anyone and everyone can create a website and that is public. In another saying, whatever information from the web may not be supported. Since people are now spending hours on internet, this kind of media can definitely change one’s point of view. For example, I see someone’s Facebook always showing tasty food. The next thing to do is to search where the places are and click for more good food. In this simple case, media expands my view.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Chapter 10 Question 3

After reading the entire chapter 10, I found out one thing that is very meaningful to me. The chapter mentions about the other errors in thinking and to avoid confirmation bias in doing a business. “A business may fail to do its research or to consider certain evidence because it assumes that its beliefs are correct when in fact they may not be.” I totally agree with this statement since the world keeps changing once every second. People especially merchants or businessmen, should keep an eye on what is happening every second in order to make everything up to date. By doing so, that can avoid many unnecessary disagreements among the business world. Besides, communication and listening skills are also the key to lead to good or bad marketing decisions. A firm should always keep a good relationship with the customers. In order to improve the marketing strategies, consumers also play an important role in it.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Chapter 10 Question 2

Wootan and Liodice are having different perspectives on the topic of regulating food advertising to children. Wootan states that the rates of obesity have doubled in children and tripled in teens. He believes the guidelines will be helpful to improve children’s diets. However, I think that will be doing too much to restrict what to eat for children. In Liodice’s opinions, he states in the first sentence in the article that free speech is the most important right in America. Thus, free speech is the basis of choice and personal responsibility. The guidelines gives him a feeling of compel which means that will be lack of freedom once the guidelines is being addressed. After reading both perspectives base on the diet, I stand on Liodice’s side because he gives out sufficient reasoning and valid information to support his point. I think Liodice makes a better argument especially because he claims clearly about the freedom of speech in the beginning of the article. 

Chapter 10 Question 1

The most impressive marketing strategy I have encountered as a consumer in the past week is from a Halloween shop. Marketing strategies are to help to the company to gain as much profit as possible. The Halloween shop that I passed by in the past week had done a great job on its marketing strategy. It caught my attention even I was not looking for a costume. The shop shows many different and creative costumes right in the front of the transparent door and windows. These make every pedestrian would take a look to their costumes even they did not walk into the shop. That will definitely benefit to the company. However, the least effective marketing strategies I encountered are Walmart’s brags of low prices. Every time when I enter Walmart, there must be a large post claiming those are the products with lowest prices. However, I do not think this is a good strategy because most of the time that product is not really in a lowest price. As time pass by, I believe most customers will notice it. And lower its profit in return.