Saturday, November 17, 2012

Chapter 12 Question 1

My zodiac sign is Leo since my birthday is August 10. Based on what the said, I need to be careful of my wording. “Be tactful when speaking today. Leo. With this day’s energy. It’s important that you take the time to think about how your words affect the person you’re talking to. It can be easier than usual to say the wrong thing. Especially if you are in the position of telling someone something you think might not go over too well. Avoid comments that suggest criticism of the person rather than the deed.” I personally do not believe in fortune. I think fate is the thing that changes by how we deal with our problems daily. Moreover, horoscope is a kind of superstition. After reading the, I don’t think I can learn anything from it or know how to avoid bad luck. Overall, horoscope does not give out specific data and the prediction is too general. Therefore, I will say that horoscope is falsifiable.

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