Sunday, November 18, 2012

Chapter 12 Question 3

The main concept I learn after reading the entire chapter 12 is also the title of this chapter---science. The question “what is science?” caught my attention on the first page of the chapter. According to the book, science rests on reasoning that moves from observable, measurable facts to testable explanations for those facts. And scientists are people who discover, observe, and collect facts in a systematic manner. Science is not my friends and because of that I major in business. However, the “science” this chapter talking about is unlike the “science” I thought before. This chapter taught me that sciences are happening around us every day and every second. I will say that we can all be scientist since we observe and experience every single day. However, we need to be careful when we make conclusions. Be aware if the evidence are valid or not because it affects the conclusion directly.

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