Sunday, September 30, 2012

Chapter 2 Question 3

After reading the entire chapter 2, I find one concept is interesting and I would like to talk about it in more details---fideism: faith transcends reason. According to the chapter, fideism is the transcendent realm of the divine is revealed through faith and revelation, not reason or empirical evidence. One example from the page states that Mother Teresa did not sense the presence of God for the last fifty years of her life. It shows her great faith to God. However, it will be so “blind” to believe for nothing. From the chapter, one weakness of fideism is that being convinced that something is true does not necessarily make it true. This confuses me at first. After reading that statement over again, I become understanding what it means. “God” can be the subject that we human cannot or have not proven in a scientific method. Meanwhile we all have the freedom to choose to believe or not. Therefore, I do not think there will be any conflicts and resistance between faith and reasoning.

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