Saturday, September 15, 2012

Chapter 7 Question 2

Inductive argument, once again, it is an argument which the conclusion probably follows from the premises. In the case of Dr. Novello, she put so many efforts on banning cigarette and alcohol through ads. She noted that the number of teens and children who smoked had begun to increase in 1988 when the Joe Camel ads for Camel cigarettes were first introduced. Then she had already concluded that she needed to educte the public about the causes of smoking. At the time when she first tried to change the fact of increasing numbers of teens smoking, she did not know whether she would succee or not. Base on those years in different universities, she has the knowledge to declare that educating the teens and public can help on reducing the number of teens smoking. Fortunately, it is true. On the path of seeking a solution to the problem of smoking among teens, Dr. Novello used her method by educting people to cure and decrease the number of teens smoking. However, the decision of smoke or quit still depends on teens.

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