Sunday, September 9, 2012

Chapter 8 Question 3

After reading Chapter 8, it teaches me more ways to present a supportive argument. One type of deductive arguments that impressed me is an argument by elimination. It states that an argument by elimination is to reduce different possibilities until there is only one possibility remains. Besides, arguments by elimination are usually easily applied to our daily life. We can always give examples that are using argument by elimination in our lives. People normally used to believe in what they heard even though they do not really have any actual evidences. If we can eliminate all unsupportive possibility, it can also help us to eliminate the possibility to believe the rumors. We are definitely have no harm but only benefits after we learn how to distinguish what is the truth and what is fake. Last but the lease, I think the lesson of arguments by elimination can totally affect our daily life. We should never believe in those news that are without proof.

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