Sunday, September 9, 2012

Chapter 8 Question 2

Sister Helen Prejean maintains that the death penalty is a violation of human dignity and is contrary to the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. I totally agree with what she said. In my point of view, I am strongly against death penalty. From the idea of Christianity, we should forgive people not only up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven. This is said by the Bible. By these words, we can understand as we should always forgive people no matter what they did to you. However, in the United States, people who identify themselves as Christians are more likely to support the death penalty. There is already an inconsistency between ancient Christians and modern Christians. There will be always some difference particularly Christianity covers millions of followers and is passed from long long time ago. If I really need to choose one to believe in, I will go against death penalty. This is because the Bible is a realistic and reliable evidence to support my opinion.

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